NetSuite Dashboard: Novice's Guide

Helping you get the most from NetSuite dashboards

NetSuite Dashboards give a “birds-eye view” of your business metrics inside NetSuite. It provides a visual workspace that gives users instant, uninterrupted access to accurate information.

This makes them different from the individual record page, lists, reports, etc. A dashboard is available not only on your home page, but on every page you see in NetSuite except the Documents, Setup, and Customisation pages.

The NetSuite Centre is the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the NetSuite dashboard, it contains your centre tabs. Each role you have has a specified centre.

The best practice is to use your dashboard to view your most critical day-to-day business intelligence and news. Content is displayed in portlets. NetSuite Portlets display dynamic, real-time data from the NetSuite single-source database.

o set up dashboards, you need to understand the following:

  • The different types of content available.
  • How to modify a default dashboard to include the content you need.
  • How to publish dashboards to groups of users.

Visual guide to the NetSuite dashboard features

  1. The NetSuite dashboard is the name of the overall screen.
  2. The NetSuite centre is the top blue menu navigation bar
  3. The NetSuite portlet is the movable object on the dashboard that contains real-time information and business data. They can de added by clicking Personalise in the top-right corner.
  4. The top-right is your role picker and log out button.
  5. The paper icon with a “+” is the Add New menu. This is a customisable list that allows you to create new records on the fly.
  6. The top input box is the global search which allows you to query for anything in your business.
  7. Starting at the far left of the centre is the recent records menu.
  8. Next up is your shortcut menu. You can create shortcut on any page, record or URL in NetSuite.
  9. The house icon takes you back to your primary dashboard. Hover over the icon to access your User Preferences.

Visual guide to NetSuite portlets

Analytics Portlet

An analytics portlet lets you show a SuiteAnalytics chart, pivot table, or table view.

Calendar Portlet

A calendar portlet lets you show activities (tasks, calls, and calendar events) for a period in a calendar format.

Custom Portlet

Custom portlets enable you to display SuiteScript results on your dashboard.

KPI Meter Portlet

A KPI meter portlet lets a user display reporting for a single graphical KPI meter.

KPI Scorecard Portlet

KPI scorecard portlet can display data comparisons across multiple key performance indicators (KPIs).

Key Performance Indicators Portlet

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide summaries of your forecast, pipeline, orders, cases, and financial data right on your dashboard. You can use standard KPIs or create custom KPIs based on saved searches.

List Portlet

List portlets can display records of a specific record type. You can choose among standard record types (employees, activities, transactions, and many other) and custom record types created by you or other users.

Reminders Portlet

You can set up reminders for important data or tasks in NetSuite. The reminders portlet shows you the out-out-the-box and custom reminders you are assigned to. When you click a reminder in the portlet, you go to a page with more details where you can take action as necessary.

Report Snapshots Portlet

Report Snapshot portlets can show summaries of some reports that are available to you. You can choose among standard report snapshots or create custom report snapshots.

Trend Chart Portlet

A trend chart portlet lets you illustrate trend graphs and information over time between up to three KPIs.

Saved Search Portlet

A saved search portlet displays a saved search, including columns, filters, and highlights.

Other common dashboard portlets are:

  • Settings portlet
  • Tasks
  • Phone calls
  • Quick add
  • News / RSS information feeds

Personalising your NetSuite dashboard

Take the time to personalise the standard content on your home dashboard page as an end-user. Businesses and users who take the time to change the information overview, data, and reports typically see more success.

To do so:

  1. Click personalise in the top right-hand corner.
  2. This opens the personalise dashboard drop-down menu/portlet menu.
  3. Drag and drop a portlet to your screen.

3 best practices for getting the most out of your NetSuite dashboard

Tip #1: Get the free SuiteApp bundles

Our favourites are:

  • Subsidiary Navigator
  • Dashboard Tiles
  • Application and Performance Monitoring (APM)

Once installed these all show up as selection for the Custom Portlet in your system.

Tip #2: Use in-line editing and create new menus

Lists and Saved Searches are great for viewing company data. But you can also update and interface with data via these.

Check to see if your List or Saved Search has pencil icons at the top of the column. If so, click into rows to edit the information right from your dashboard.

Most Lists also give you access to the Create New menu. This allows you to quicky create child records associated to that record.

Email fields will have buttons that allow you to one-click draft an email.

Tip #3: Publish and reuse your best dashboards

If you’re an administrator you have the ability to personalise a dashboard and share it.

Administrators can also lock-down and provision to other users.

This is great for keeping continuity in your company. It can also help out users that aren’t as comfortable configuring the system.


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